R&A Iare often referred to as disruptive technologies that are going to radically change our economy as well as our society in various aspects. EURA’s team frames this statement should within the history of industrialization to assess whether the economic changes we are witnessing due to technological advancement are sufficient to back such statements and to determine what kind of growth and change we can truly expect. It carries out studies on the economics of technological change, to understand the dynamics of technical change and its interaction with the productive and economic system, with particular focus on recent technological developments such as automation, AI and big data.

It also works on the development of economic evaluation of new technologies, giving evidence of the cost effectiveness and economic validity of new technology with respect to the standard of care is becoming mandatory in the healthcare sector, and identifying existing trends through market and patent analysis and other studies

Against this framework, EURA’s research on economics and technology focus on two main areas: (i) the study of health technology assessment from the perspective of health technology providers, considering the limits, efforts and challenges for entering in the healthcare sector and increasing the diffusion of AI and robotic technology among final users and within healthcare organizations; (ii) the impact that R&AI will have on the labour market and the possible social consequences thereof, critically addressing the economic theory and empirical evidence on the relation between these technologies and employment, and discussing possible policy approaches to the problem.