EURA is proud to announce the 3rd edition of its annual conference, “The Gift of the Evil D-AI-ty. Regulating Data and AI in Europe“!

The Conference will be held on December 1st – 2nd 2022 in Pisa – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Aula Magna, Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 – or on Zoom HERE for DAY 1 and HERE for DAY 2.

We will discuss how the EU Data’s strategy and the AI strategy complement each other, and where the EU is going because of their combination, especially vis a vis the other ‘big players’ of technology regulation. In particular:

  • To what extent AI regulation and Data regulation are influenced by one another? To what extent is Data regulation also an instrument for regulating the use of AI? To what extent does AI regulation shape the normative framework on the extraction, use, and distribution of data?
  • What essential aspects aboutthe Data-driven and AI-based economy are not currently addressed by EU regulation?
  • How do these strategies deal with contractual organization of the digital and technological economy? How will global value chains respond to the latest innovation? To what extent are new contractual types and rules needed at the EU and possibly transnational level to ripe the benefits of the innovation brought forward with the AI and Data legislation?
  • How is civil liability for (the use of) emerging technologies unfolding, given the recent proposalsfor reform of the European Commission addressing that specifically, as well as extending the scope of the product liability directive?

These questions will be addressed by four panels:

Panel I: Civil Liability and AI along awaited (proposal for) reform.

Panel II: Data, AI, and the digital economy. Regulating AI through Data regulation, regulating Data through AI regulation, or something in between?

Panel III: Beyond Data and AI. Where do we go from here?

Panel IV: Contracting about Data and AI. Public and private regulation.


Programme EURA Conference 2022