Andrea Bertolini is Associate Professor of Private Law at the at the Dirpolis Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, and adjunct professor in private law at the University of Pisa.  

He is the director and scientific coordinator of the Centre of Excellence on the Regulation of Robotics and AI (EURA,, previously funded by the European Commission through the Jean Monnet Action.  

In 2024 he was appointed Legal Advisor of AI4Industry Foundation (the Italian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Impact) by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).

His published research ranges from private law (contracts, torts, law of obligations) to regulation of robotics and AI and technoethics, with a comparative and law and economics approach, and a focus on alternative liability models, product safety regulation and certification, insurance and risk management, human machine interaction, user manipulation and deception.  

Dr. Bertolini consults national, International, and European policy makers both with written studies and in person hearings, on a regular basis on issues of robotics and AI regulation.  

Dr Bertolini holds a joint degree from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and the University of Pisa, a Ph.D in private law from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, as well as a LL.M. from Yale Law School. He is an attorney licensed to practice in Italy and New York.

Selected publications:

Italian, European and Comparative Private Law (contracts and law of obligations)

  1. Il postcontratto, Mulino, 2018.
  2. European Commercial Contract Law, Study requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs.
  3. La responsabilità del produttore, in Codice della Responsabilità civile, Navarretta (a cura di), Giuffrè, Milano, 2021, 2613-2652.
  4. La tutela del debitore inadempiente nella disciplina europea dei mutui ipotecari. Eterogenesi dei fini, errori prospettici ed aporie alla luce dell’analisi economica del diritto, in Le Nuove Leggi Civili Commentate, 2016, 327-366

Law and technology: Liability

  1. Artificial Intelligence does not exist! Defying the technology-neutrality narrative in the regulation of civil liability for advanced technologies, in Europa e diritto private, 2022, 1-33.
  2. Bertolini-Riccaboni, Grounding the Case for a European Approach to the Regulation of Automated Driving: the Technology Selection Effect of Liability Rules, the European Journal of Law and Economics, 2020, 1-44.
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Civil Liability, Study requested by European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs
  4. Robots as Products: The Case for a Realistic Analysis of Robotic Applications and Liability Rules, in Law Innovation and Technology, 5(2), 2013, 214-247.

Law and technology: bioethics and technoethics

  1. Governare il potenziamento umano attraverso i principi di dignità e uguaglianza. Appunti per un quadro teorico-dogmatico di riferimento, in Politica del Diritto, 2022, 435-462.
  2. Human-Robot Interaction and Deception, in Osservatorio del diritto civile e commerciale, 2018, 2, 647-660.
  3. Bertolini-Arian, Automated Care-Taking and the Constitutional Rights of the Patient in an Aging Popoulation, in Law and Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2022, 297-322
  4. Bertolini – Arian, Do Robots Care? Towards an Anthropocentric Framework in the Caring of Frail Individuals through Assistive Technologies. Aging between Participation and Simulation. J. Haltaufderheide, J. Hovemann and J. Vollmann. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2020, 35-52.