The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on the Regulation of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence “EURA” is pleased to announce that the DIRPOLIS Institute of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies is hiring one research fellow working in the field of ROBOLAW!

The position corresponds to the Italian qualification of “Assegnisti di ricerca” and, for the purposes of the classification set forth by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR), pertains to the scientific area of private law (IUS/01).

We are looking for applicants to work within EURA on various issues connected to the regulation of robotics and AI, under a private law perspective (e.g.: liability, insurance, data ownership and protection, intellectual property, standardization and certification, users’ trust and acceptance, privacy-by-design, human-robot interaction, trust, and empathic machines), under the supervision of Dr. Andrea Bertolini.

Selected candidates will work on national and international project funded, undergo independent, collaborative, and supervised research – possibly involving consultancy to policy-makers – and will participate in future applications for funding, in the organization of conference and events, as well as in teaching activities. The candidate is also required to perform some administrative work related to the above.

The contract duration is for one year, but the possibility the renew the contract for a maximum of 3 years is provided. More information on the job offer and on the application procedure can be found at the following link. Make sure you apply by the 3rd of December!