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The EURA Centre of Excellence has four main goals.

Firstly, through the organization of workshops, conferences and other events involving leading international experts, it creates a multidisciplinary community and advances the academic debate, allowing the early-on identification of relevant social and policy issues.

Secondly, the Centre offers a wide variety of advanced educational programs, such as PhD level courses, Summer Schools and Boot Camps, which provide academia-oriented students with the knowledge and methodology necessary to carry out innovative research in the field, and deliver readily applicable and immediately relevant information for businesses and investors intending to bring R&AI applications to the market.

Thirdly, EURA fosters the dialogue between academia and policy makers. Indeed, officials of national, European and International Institutions are regularly invited to take part to the activities organized by the Centre; at the same time, they are directly addressed through the yearly policy paper, which aims at providing EU and international policy-makers with the early identification and assessment of socially and politically relevant issues, as well as with proposals for actions to be taken.

Lastly, the Centre intends to increase social awareness and encourage an informed debate among society at large. Through our interactive website, citizens can find informative content and interactive tools to pose questions and advance concerns, ultimately engaging into an informed and fruitful dialogue.